Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Miso Noodle Soup

Like a nice bowl of soup on a cold night, a good group of friends can give you a nice warm feeling in your belly- or more so your heart. As Thanksgiving approaches, so does my birthday. As usual everyone goes home and my birthday celebration tends to be postponed with my friends. Although, that changed this year. After going on an unnecessary long grocery shopping trip, I walked into my house only to hear a group of people yell surprise. Of course my natural reaction was to squeal in a ever so high pitched tone, but I was unsure of whether I was more afraid or surprised to see friends from various groups all in my living room to greet me with a ice-cream cake and yelling happy birthday. It was one of the greatest surprises and made me feel so loved by all my friends. Never did I expect such a thing and couldn't be more thankful to be surrounded by such great people in my life. But after the mushy-gushy of loving my friends, I wanted to share my recent recipe of Miso Noodle Soup. I hope this soup will warm your tummy on a cold night just as my friends warm my heart (or rather make me scream or possibly pee my pants from fright) in the least corny of ways.

Servings: 8-10

1/2 cup of white miso paste
1/2 cup of chopped scallions
8 cups of water
1 block of firm tofu cubed into small pieces
1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 teaspoons of wasabi paste
1 cup of rice noodles
2 nori sheets broken into small pieces


In a large pot, combine the miso past and water. Allow the water to come to a slight simmer. Continue to stir to make sure the miso paste is fully absorbed into the water.

Then stir in the cubed tofu, scallions, and rice noodles. Allow the water to simmer until the rice noodles are fully cooked- for about 8 minutes. Then stir in the soy sauce, nori, wasabi paste, and grated ginger.

Turn down the heat of the soup. Allow it to slightly cool and then enjoy!


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