Monday, December 30, 2013

Hannah Banana Granola

Last March I was debating on whether I should start a food blog. I was constantly cooking and creating various recipes. It has also always been a dream of mine to open a food establishment, but I believe in starting small and thought a blog would be a great start. I was at my friends house and asking if they had any ideas for my blog. My friend said so point blank- well duh Hannah's Bananas, since you are Hannah Banana. Thus, the blog was born. But even more so I am making a specific Hannah Banana post as a bit of a test. My boyfriend basically only refers to me as Banana and also has been asking for at least a shout-out. Yes, this is a test to see if he actually looks at my blog.
But besides the sneaky test, I made this granola of things I like and also in spirit for the start of the new year. Each year people make a resolution to eat healthier, be better, and on- so here is my healthier granola to help kick start a year I hope that is filled with good health, happiness, and prosperity for all.

Servings: 9 half-cup servings


2 1/2 cups of old fashioned oats
1/8 cup of honey
4 tablespoons of agave
3 tablespoons of water
4 tablespoons of PB2
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup of banana chips broken into small pieces


Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.

In a large bowl mix the oats, honey, agave, cinnamon, vanilla, PB2, and walnuts. Spread the mix onto a baking sheet and place into the over for about 40-50 minutes, until the oats are lightly browned.

Brake up the banana chips into small pieces. Once the granola is done, mix in the banana chips. Allow the granola to sit out and cool for about 30 minutes until it becomes crunchy.

Store in an airtight container and enjoy!


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