Saturday, March 30, 2013

Collard Green Veggie Wraps

For those days when you need to recuperate from over-eating during the holidays with heavy meals (especially if you have been pounding that brisket, matzah ball soup, rich desserts, and of course multiple cups of wine because four just won't do the trick for you) collard green wraps are light and packed with veggies. I like the idea of using lettuce or collard greens as the "wrap" since it is nice to avoid carbs when possible. These are great for vegetarians, vegans, and just some green and veggie loving foodies.


Collard Greens
Thinly sliced Red Cabbage
Shredded Carrots
Thinly sliced Red Pepper
Thinly sliced Cucumber
Spinach leaves


Slice and prep all of your veggies - you can always mix up what to place in your wrap whether it be with zucchini, sprouts, or the addition of kale.

Layer each type of veggie in the center of the collard green leaf. Remember not to overstuff the wrap!

Then like a burrito, roll up the leaf to create your veggie wrap.
Enjoy your wrap with tahini, hummus, soy sauce, or any other dipping sauce of your liking!

Cauliflower Pizza

Living next door to a pizzeria, I tend to inhale the sweet smells of penne vodka slices, tortellini slices, and the odor of 2 AM belligerent drunk. I love to have a good slice of pizza, but pizza doesn't always love those love handles or foodie belly. Cauliflower pizza is a nice alternative to those greasy, cheesy pizza cravings that often arise- because really, it always seems a good time to have pizza.


1 head of Cauliflower, grated
Marinara Sauce
Cheese of choice (I prefer mozzarella and parmesan)
Toppings of choice (garlic, mushrooms, basil, etc)
1 Egg


Heat over to 375 degrees.

Grate the washed head or cauliflower using a cheese grater (on the larger holes) or a food processor.

Then microwave the grated cauliflower for 2 minutes in order to evaporate some of the natural water content.

Add the egg, cheese, about 1/2 cup (if using parmesan this will make the crust crispier), and seasonings (I like to add salt pepper, dried basil, parsley flakes, garlic powder, and a little red pepper flakes). Mix until fully incorporated.

Take the mixture and spread it on a lined and greased baking sheet. Place in the over for about 35-40 minutes or until the crust appears golden brown.

Remove the crust from the oven and add the sauce, cheese and toppings if using any.
Place back into to oven for about 5 minutes or until cheese becomes bubbly and lightly golden.

Enjoy your less guilty pizza treat!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Chocolate Bark

I love my chocolate- especially dark chocolate, but I am also aware that much of the world doesn't particularly like the darker side of chocolate. But chocolate desserts are a favorite of mine, and chocolate bark is probably one of the easiest to make while looking like a lot of effort was put into it. Chocolate bark is extremely versatile as well- whether it be the type of chocolate used or the toppings placed- they all make a wonderful dessert..or snack!

Servings: 1 medium sized chocolate block- servings depend on how large or small you break the bar.


2 bags of chocolate chips or chocolate baking bar (I use semi-sweet chocolate)
1 spoonful of instant coffee or 1 teaspoon of espresso (if using white chocolate, skip the coffee- you dont want to change the color of the chocolate or be able to see the coffee)
Parchment paper
Cookie Sheet
Toppings of Choice (such as dried fruit, nuts, coconut, or more chocolate!)


Make a double-broiler to melt the chocolate- take one put and fill with a small amount of water and bring to a simmer. Place a glass bowl or another pan that will fit inside the pan with water on top- make sure the pan on top does NOT touch the simmering water (this will cause the chocolate to burn). Place the chocolate in the bowl or pan allow it to heat and melt. Stir consistently and add in the coffee. Let melt until the chocolate is smooth and velvety- do not overheat otherwise the chocolate with burn and clump up. (Another method is heating up the chocolate in a microwavable bowl and stirring the chocolate in intervals as heating the chocolate for 10 seconds at a time.)

Then pour the melted chocolate on top of a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Sprinkle choice of toppings on top of the melted chocolate.

Then place the bar into the fridge for at least an hour to harden and cool.
Once cooled break the bar into pieces- and enjoy your bark!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sweet Potato Quinoa Chili

I have to say, I love to make all types of chili. Chili was actually a topic in a conversation I had when making a new friend my first year of college. Living in a dorm I was having cooking withdrawal and I was telling this guy I met how I can cook up a pretty solid chili. So he challenged me, and one night I ended up cooking a big batch of chili for a house of many boys. Sweet Potato Quinoa Chili is based off an internet inspiration and a favorite go-to meal of mine, especially since I tend to cook many vegetarian meals. Here's a hearty recipe that will satisfy those hungry bellies and warm you up on a chill-i night! (Haha, yes you can laugh at my super corny joke- I laughed myself too, so you're not alone.)

Servings: 6

1 Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Can Black Beans (Rinsed and Drained)
1 Can Red Kidney Beans (Rinsed and Drained)
1 Can Crushed/Diced Tomatoes
1/2 Cup Quinoa
1 Sweet Potato peeled and diced


Using either olive oil or cooking spray cook down the onions until translucent or browned. Then add in chopped garlic.

Once both are tender and in the sweet potato and allow to cook for about ten minutes to begin to soften.

Then add in the beans and tomatoes. Then add the quinoa and water to thin out the chili. Add at least one cup of water, but around three should do the trick. Then cover the pot and let the chili do its thang. (If the chili quickly thickens just add more water to thin it out a bit.)

Once simmering and the quinoa has cooked (so at least 15 minutes) make sure the sweet potato is nice and tender and cooked thoroughly.

Then season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, and a dash of cayeene for some heat. Season depending on your taste preferences- I prefer a good amount of salt and lots of chili powder. Stir up well and cover the pot once more and allow for the chili to simmer for 5 more minutes. Taste and adjust flavorings to your preferences and enjoy!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kale Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

I really love sweet potatoes. Regular potatoes- not such a fan. I tend to think its from overeating baked potatoes as a child- some people had gushers, some people chocolate, for me it was potatoes. (Don't get me wrong, I was a normal candy obsessed child, who was also yelled at by the dentist to stop eating that orange chemical crap- I too was a victim of loving to eat Nachos from the snack machine. I mean seriously they were awesome. Those and spicy Cheez-its, I just couldn't stay away. I guess you can say now I have moved on to a new orange food, and one that is definitely better for you.)
Another love of mine has become kale- whether in salad, smoothies, or various recipes.
Here is a dish where I combined my two (semi-new) food obsessions into a tasty dish.


2 Sweet Potatoes
Kale (if you only have spinach on hand that can be substituted as well)
1/2 Carton of Mushrooms
1/2 Chopped Onion
1 Can of White Beans (drained and rinsed)

Sautee the onion using either cooking spray or olive oil. Once golden add the mushrooms and cook until they are nice and tender.

Then add the chopped kale and cook until the kale becomes wilted.
Laslty, add in the beans and cook until they are heated through.
Add salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and chili powder to taste to the mixture.

Add mashed sweet potato to the mix, and then scoop all the goodness back into the potato skin and enjoy!
(To add some protein, I usually serve this with some eggs.)

To cook the sweet potatoes:

You can either microwave or use the over to cook the potatoes. Personally I opt for the microwave option due to timing and the need the extra time to study, procrastinate and think of more recipes to post  on this blooming blog.

To cook in the microwave I wash and dry the sweet potatoes. I then take a fork and make holes all around the potato. Then I wrap the potato in a paper towel and place it in the microwave for 9 minutes.
Once cooked (it will feel soft to the touch) I cut the sweet potato in half and scoop out the inside. Then in a smaller bowl, using a fork, I mash the sweet potatoes.

To opt for the oven baked option, heat the oven to 375 degrees. Place (whole) sweet potatoes on a baking sheet and place into the oven for 20-30 minutes or until they feel soft when poking them with a fork (and not your finger since getting burnt just ain't fun). Then once they have slightly cooled cut them in half, scoop out the inside, and mash with a fork. Then add the sweet potato to the rest of the veggies.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Quinoa Fried Rice

Obviously as a passionate cooker and bakers I tend to stalk food blogs, pinterest, and foodgawker in all my spare and not so spare time. I kept seeing recipes for a healthier spin on fried rice, which I personally never ate- but anything with quinoa and veggies I was down to try. This is my spin on the recipe that I have seen floating around the internet.

Servings: 4-6 (depending on how big of a bowl you inhale!)


1Large Head of Broccoli
1 Onion
1 Bag of frozen Peas and Carrots
1/2 Container of Mushrooms diced
3 Egg Whites ( omit eggs if making vegetarian or vegan and replace with edamame to add extra protein to the dish)
1 Cup of Quinoa
Soy Sauce
Ginger powder, Garlic Powder, Sriracha sauce (if heat desired)
Scallions (for garnish)


Take one cup of quinoa and two cups of water and place into a pot. Allow the water to come to a boil. Then lower the heat to a simmer and cover the pot, and let the quinoa cook for 10-15 minutes (or according the the packaging instructions) until the water is fully absorbed. When done, fluff with a fork.

Using either olive oil or cooking spray saute the onion. Once golden add in the chopped mushrooms. Then add the frozen peas and carrots and allow then to cook through.
Then add the broccoli and cook until the broccoli becomes a vibrant green.
Add seasonings (garlic and ginger)

Once the quinoa is done add to the vegetable mixture.
Scramble three egg whites and add to the pot of quinoa and veggies.

Once all ingredients are in a bowl add 6 tablespoons of soy sauce (this seems like a lot but this dish makes plenty of servings- you can add more or less depending of your preference as well).

Finish off by adding chopped scallions and a dash or more of sriracha if desired.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Passover Apple Cake

It's only kind of a funny story of how my family received this story, and by funny I mean we just were handed a family recipe in a semi-roundabout way (so apologies if you thought this was going to give you a giggle). A close family friend told us she had this apple cake recipe from my uncle's Aunt Eva. We  asked for the recipe and whipped up the cake only to discover Aunt Eva knew a thing or two about making a darn good Passover apple cake. Since then this cake has become another Passover dessert staple that guests who frequent our house always ask for. 

6 Eggs
1 Cup Oil
2 Cups Sugar
2 tbl. Potato Starch
4 Sliced Granny Smith Apples
Juice of 1 Lemon
2 Cups Matzah Cake Meal
2 tsp. Cinnamon

1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of chopped nuts
2 tsp. of cinnamon 

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Peel, core, and slice the Apples.

Sprinkles the apples with the lemon juice. 

In a separate bowl, beat together eggs, oil, sugar, cake meal, and potato starch.

Spread half the batter in an un-greased 9x13 pan.
Then spread the apples on top.

Add the remaining batter and spread on top of the apples. Then add the topping. Place into the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Happy eating!

Passover Ice Cream

After countless years of eating meringues and angle food from a cake box mix, my mom decided to put her creative mind to whipping up a tasty dessert kosher for Passover. We then began to become known for our Passover ice cream with flavors featuring strawberries or chocolate. From my mother to your kitchen, enjoy a Passover dessert that doesn't include any matzah!


2 thawed 16 0z. containers of whipped topping

Strawberry Ice Cream:

Take two containers of fresh strawberries and puree them in a food processor or blender with 1/4 cup of  sugar.

Place defrosted whipped topping in a large mixing bowl with 1 tsp. of vanilla and begin to whip with either a hand or standing mixer.

Leave some whipped topping on the side and mix half a packet of instant vanilla pudding in with the topping.
Add remainder of the topping until the mixture begins to stiffen.

Lastly add the pureed strawberries. Once fully incorporated place the strawberry mixture into freezable containers and allow to freeze.

Let the ice cream defrost before serving and enjoy!

Chocolate Ice Cream:

Brew or make a small amount of coffee or instant coffee (about 1/3 of a cup).

Whip the two whipped topping containers with one packet of instant chocolate pudding (be weary of the pudding powder getting everywhere!)
Then add in the brewed coffee and whip until the mixture becomes stiff.

Place into freezable containers and place into the freezer. Allow the ice cream to thaw before serving.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Balsamic Glaze

Like every child, the word brussel sprouts repulsed me. I happened to have loved eating salad as a child as well as cold pizza for breakfast (a habit I have thankfully grown out of), but the round green of sprouts of brussels was not a favorite in my vegetable food group. As I became a bit older and more adventurous with my food palate I decided to give the green another chance. One Thanksgiving my brother made brussel sprouts and I found that I actually liked them.
Here's my simple spin to making easy and delicious brussel sprouts.

Brussel Sprouts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar


Heat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut brussel sprouts in half.

Lay the brussel sprouts on a sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper (season according to your taste preferences). Then mix the brussel sprouts with your hands. Once mixed, make sure the brussel sprouts are evenly distributed on the pan. Place the pan in the oven.

Let the brussel sprouts roast for about 30 minutes or until golden brown (you can also let them roast and then use the broil setting for the last 5 minutes to get a nice golden brown color as well as a slight crisp).

To Make Balsamic Glaze:

Take the 1/4 cup of Balsamic and place into a pan on the stove top. Heat until boiling then lower the heat and allow the balsamic to simmer. Remove from heat when the balsamic thickens.

Drizzle over the brussel sprouts and enjoy!

Bubby's Mandel Bread

With every family, recipes get passed down from generation to generation. With every Jewish family, there is a grandmother- or Bubby, who is just well, a character. Yet with my family, my grandmother was too hip to be called Bubby, so a close family friend shared their Bubby with my family. Thus, I inherited an adopted Bubby, and with that came the cheek squeezing, birthday card giving, and the obvious recipe sharing.
Here is a classic Mandel Bread recipe that can also be made for passover by replacing the not so kosher- for-passover flour with Matzah flour or Matzah cake meal.
A little note- this is a hands on recipe so prepare to get your hands a little doughy!

 1 Egg
1 Cup Sugar
1/3 Cup Oil
1 Cup Flour
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Cup chopped Pecans or Walnuts (This can be omitted if preferring a nut-free dessert)
1/2 Cup of Chocolate Chips


Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a cookie sheet with wax paper.
Mix all the wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl ( eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla)

Chop nuts finely.

Slowly add the dry ingredients and mix well into the batter. The batter will begin to appear clumpy, but thats fine!

Then add the chocolate chips and nuts. Begin to mix the dough with your hands and forming balls.
Once mixed together begin to form a log with the dough to place on your cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

Place into the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes.
After the cooking time has elapsed, take out the cookies and slice.
Then place them back into the oven to bake for 3 minutes.
Let cool and then enjoy- or you can store them in the freezer to have at a later time.

Happy eating from me and Bubby!

Passover Zucchini Bread

It's that time of the year again that most Jews dread- Passover. Personally, I love the holiday, minus the necessity of shoving prunes down your throat due to the mass amounts of of matzah consumption. But hey- when you're stuck eating Matzah you gotta learn to love it in all forms, whether it's matzah pizza, matzah brei, matzah crumbs, matzah flour, or matzah cake meal. Every year we have our classic family recipes. To start with the Passover friendly recipes here is a recipe for Zucchini Bread, that is actually moist and can be passed off as a semi-dessert, which is always a staple at our Passover meals.

3 Eggs
2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Oil
1 Tbl. Vanilla
4-5 Coarsely grated Zucchinis (with moisture squeezed out)
1 Cup Matzah Meal
1 Cup Matzah Cake Meal
1/4 Tsp. Baking Powder
1 Tsp. Salt
2 Tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tsp Cinnamon
Cloth, Pillowcase, Cheese Cloth or another material that can be using to squeeze the moisture out from the Zucchini

 Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Start off by cutting the ends off of the zucchinis. Then place them in the food processor utilizing the shredder blade setting.

After shredding the zucchini, place it in a cloth/pillowcase/cheese cloth, or other material that can be used to drain and squeeze out an excess liquid. This is a vital step in order to prevent the zucchini's high water content from effecting the recipe.

Then mix all the wet ingredients together ( eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, sugar, and oil).

Then slowly incorporate the dry ingredient mixture of matzah meal, matzah cake meal, baking soda, salt, and baking powder.

Once the mixture is no longer clumpy, stir in the shredded zucchini.

Place into a pan ( 9 x 13 x 2) and into the over at 375 degrees and bake for one hour.

Let cool and then enjoy!