Friday, March 29, 2013

Chocolate Bark

I love my chocolate- especially dark chocolate, but I am also aware that much of the world doesn't particularly like the darker side of chocolate. But chocolate desserts are a favorite of mine, and chocolate bark is probably one of the easiest to make while looking like a lot of effort was put into it. Chocolate bark is extremely versatile as well- whether it be the type of chocolate used or the toppings placed- they all make a wonderful dessert..or snack!

Servings: 1 medium sized chocolate block- servings depend on how large or small you break the bar.


2 bags of chocolate chips or chocolate baking bar (I use semi-sweet chocolate)
1 spoonful of instant coffee or 1 teaspoon of espresso (if using white chocolate, skip the coffee- you dont want to change the color of the chocolate or be able to see the coffee)
Parchment paper
Cookie Sheet
Toppings of Choice (such as dried fruit, nuts, coconut, or more chocolate!)


Make a double-broiler to melt the chocolate- take one put and fill with a small amount of water and bring to a simmer. Place a glass bowl or another pan that will fit inside the pan with water on top- make sure the pan on top does NOT touch the simmering water (this will cause the chocolate to burn). Place the chocolate in the bowl or pan allow it to heat and melt. Stir consistently and add in the coffee. Let melt until the chocolate is smooth and velvety- do not overheat otherwise the chocolate with burn and clump up. (Another method is heating up the chocolate in a microwavable bowl and stirring the chocolate in intervals as heating the chocolate for 10 seconds at a time.)

Then pour the melted chocolate on top of a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Sprinkle choice of toppings on top of the melted chocolate.

Then place the bar into the fridge for at least an hour to harden and cool.
Once cooled break the bar into pieces- and enjoy your bark!

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