Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rainbow Tofu Scramble

Many say you eat with your eyes first- food needs not only to appeal to the palate but to the eyes as well. When brainstorming recipes during class rather than fully paying attention, I thought how rainbow tofu scramble not only sounded appetizing  but would appeal to the eye as well with its colorful array. A healthy blend of delicious veggies and an alternative protein (and in this case to eggs) rainbow tofu scramble is a tasty meal whether served up as lunch, dinner, or a hearty breakfast.

Servings: 4


1 Cup Cherry Tomatoes
1 Orange Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
1 Bunch of Asparagus
1 Cup Sliced Mushrooms
1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
1 Package of Silken Tofu

1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder
1/2 Tablespoon Turmeric
1 Tablespoon Cumin Powder
1//2 Tablespoon Paprika
Salt and Pepper to taste


Wash and cut the end of the asparagus. Then place the asparagus in a pan with a small amount of water. Bring water to a simmer and place a top over the pan. Allow the asparagus to steam in the pan until tender for about 10 minutes.

In a large pan begin to sautee and onion. Once soft add the chopped mushrooms.

Once the mushrooms are tender, add in the silken tofu.
Then add in the rest of the veggies (including the steamed asparagus, chopped into bite-sized pieces) and allow them to cook down and soften.

Once cooked down to preferred tenderness add the spices.

Happy eating!

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