Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stuffed Baked Pears with a Balsamic Reduction

For a summer dinner or a want for a light entree, stuffed baked pears is a nice option. But then again I am probably biased for my tendency to avoid meat. This weekend I was confronted by a group of boys about how I am not a meat fan and all they want to eat is a nice steak, ribs, and prosciutto. I then responded by how I do love a good barbecue and from time to time and crave ribs. That question was then followed by "WAIT! WERE THEY PORK RIBS OR BEEF, BECAUSE YOUR JEWISH AND THAT AIN'T KOSHER."
Over my ranting of food centered conversations, I thought a stuffed baked pear with a balsamic reduction would not only be a nice light meal but also something that could easily be made year round, as well as a fitting seasonal dish for autumn.

Servings: 2

2 Red Pears
1/2 Cup of Red Qunioa
1 Cup of Chopped Shallot
1/4 Cup Dried Cranberries
1/2 Cup Toasted Chopped Walnuts
1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar

 Half the pears and scoop the seeds out. Then scoop out more of the inside of the pear, using the skin to create a sturdy bowl. Set aside the inside of the pear.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. On a parchment lined cookie sheet place the pear bowls, scooped side up, and place into the oven for about 10 minutes.

In a sautee pan, heat some olive oil or use cooking spray to coat the pan. Add the chopped shallot and begin to let the shallot soften. Once the shallot has softened, chop the inside of the pear (scooped out earlier) and add allow the pear to sautee with the shallot.

In a small pot cook the 1/2 cup of red quinoa. Add the 1/2 cup of quinoa with 1 cup of water to a pan and bring to a boil. Then lower the heat to have the water at a simmer and cover the pot. Allow the quinoa to cook for 15 minutes. Once done, fluff with a fork.

Once the quinoa is done cooking, add the sauteed pear and shallots, dried cranberries, and toasted walnuts to the pot and mix. Flavor the mix with salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. Then place the mix in the scooped out baked pear bowls.
(Note: another nice addition to the quinoa mix would be adding a bit of crumbled goat cheese)

In a shallow pan add 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar and bring it to a simmer. Allow the vinegar to simmer until it thickens and reduces. Once the desired consistency is reached, drizzle the balsamic reduction over the stuffed pears.

Happy eating!


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