Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lemon Salmon

In the beginning of the year I was not really consuming much protein. As much as I tend to like to eat a piece of chicken or a delicious piece of fish, my class, work, and study schedule had me eating more on the go foods. But as second semester rolled around I decided to make my diet better. I like to cook fish on Sundays for no particular reason, but cooking Salmon and listening to jazz music to end the weekend always seems nice. Here is a super easy Salmon recipe that tastes fresh and doesn't weigh heavy on the cooking time.

Servings: 1


1 Salmon Fillet
1 Lemon
Olive Oil


Drizzle 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil over the two pieces of fish. Then sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika over the fish. Add the zest of one lemon as well. Message the seasonings into the fish.

 Squeeze the juice of half the lemon over the t fish. Cut a thin slice of lemon and place on top of the fish. Then place the fish skin side up onto the parchment paper.
Fold the parchment over in order to make a packaging of the fish. Before sealing, add 1-2 tablespoons of liquid (OJ, water, lemon juice).

Place the fish in the parchment package on a baking sheet in a 375 degree over and bake for about 25 minutes.

Enjoy your fish with freshly squeezed lemon juice over a bed of asparagus and bulgur, or your other favorite veggie and grain sides!

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