Friday, April 5, 2013

Orange Chicken with Steamed Broccoli and Cashews

After being sent back to school with holiday leftovers, my mother also snuck in a jug of orange juice into my "food to take back to school for passover" bag. I'm not much of an OJ fan, for once again my childhood obsession of orange food consumption also included drinking large amounts of orange juice- with the pulp (I know, who does that?).  To aid with my housemates finishing off the bottle of orange juice, since they are all addicted to the stuff, I decided to make a dish utilizing some of the juice. This dish just seemed to satisfy my citrus, protein, and slightly Chinese take-out cravings.

Servings: About 3


4 Baked Chicken Breasts or Chicken Strips
2 Small Heads of Broccoli
1 Cup of  Roasted Cashews
1 1/2 Cups of Orange Juice
Teriyaki Sauce


Coat chicken with 1-2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and lightly coat each side of the chicken with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Bake in an oven for about 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. (Check to see if cooked but cutting into the chicken and seeing if the juices run clear- if they do then the chicken is done.) Once slightly cooled, either shred the chicken or break into smaller bite-sized pieces.

Spray a pan with cooking spray and add chopped broccoli. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and allow broccoli to steam until it becomes a vibrant green.

To Make The Orange Sauce:

Take the orange juice and bring to a simmer. Add 2-3 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce. Stir and season sauce with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and ginger powder to taste preferences. Add a sprinkle of flour to thicken the sauce and whisk.

Combine the chicken, broccoli, and cashews in a bowl. Top with orange sauce and finish off with a small amount of crushed red pepper flakes.


1 comment:

  1. Broccoli mama like a wagon wheel, broccoli mama any way you feel, heyyyy mama broccoli
