Monday, March 18, 2013

Bubby's Mandel Bread

With every family, recipes get passed down from generation to generation. With every Jewish family, there is a grandmother- or Bubby, who is just well, a character. Yet with my family, my grandmother was too hip to be called Bubby, so a close family friend shared their Bubby with my family. Thus, I inherited an adopted Bubby, and with that came the cheek squeezing, birthday card giving, and the obvious recipe sharing.
Here is a classic Mandel Bread recipe that can also be made for passover by replacing the not so kosher- for-passover flour with Matzah flour or Matzah cake meal.
A little note- this is a hands on recipe so prepare to get your hands a little doughy!

 1 Egg
1 Cup Sugar
1/3 Cup Oil
1 Cup Flour
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Cup chopped Pecans or Walnuts (This can be omitted if preferring a nut-free dessert)
1/2 Cup of Chocolate Chips


Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a cookie sheet with wax paper.
Mix all the wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl ( eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla)

Chop nuts finely.

Slowly add the dry ingredients and mix well into the batter. The batter will begin to appear clumpy, but thats fine!

Then add the chocolate chips and nuts. Begin to mix the dough with your hands and forming balls.
Once mixed together begin to form a log with the dough to place on your cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

Place into the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes.
After the cooking time has elapsed, take out the cookies and slice.
Then place them back into the oven to bake for 3 minutes.
Let cool and then enjoy- or you can store them in the freezer to have at a later time.

Happy eating from me and Bubby!

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