Monday, March 18, 2013

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with a Balsamic Glaze

Like every child, the word brussel sprouts repulsed me. I happened to have loved eating salad as a child as well as cold pizza for breakfast (a habit I have thankfully grown out of), but the round green of sprouts of brussels was not a favorite in my vegetable food group. As I became a bit older and more adventurous with my food palate I decided to give the green another chance. One Thanksgiving my brother made brussel sprouts and I found that I actually liked them.
Here's my simple spin to making easy and delicious brussel sprouts.

Brussel Sprouts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar


Heat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut brussel sprouts in half.

Lay the brussel sprouts on a sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper (season according to your taste preferences). Then mix the brussel sprouts with your hands. Once mixed, make sure the brussel sprouts are evenly distributed on the pan. Place the pan in the oven.

Let the brussel sprouts roast for about 30 minutes or until golden brown (you can also let them roast and then use the broil setting for the last 5 minutes to get a nice golden brown color as well as a slight crisp).

To Make Balsamic Glaze:

Take the 1/4 cup of Balsamic and place into a pan on the stove top. Heat until boiling then lower the heat and allow the balsamic to simmer. Remove from heat when the balsamic thickens.

Drizzle over the brussel sprouts and enjoy!

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