Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cauliflower Pizza

Living next door to a pizzeria, I tend to inhale the sweet smells of penne vodka slices, tortellini slices, and the odor of 2 AM belligerent drunk. I love to have a good slice of pizza, but pizza doesn't always love those love handles or foodie belly. Cauliflower pizza is a nice alternative to those greasy, cheesy pizza cravings that often arise- because really, it always seems a good time to have pizza.


1 head of Cauliflower, grated
Marinara Sauce
Cheese of choice (I prefer mozzarella and parmesan)
Toppings of choice (garlic, mushrooms, basil, etc)
1 Egg


Heat over to 375 degrees.

Grate the washed head or cauliflower using a cheese grater (on the larger holes) or a food processor.

Then microwave the grated cauliflower for 2 minutes in order to evaporate some of the natural water content.

Add the egg, cheese, about 1/2 cup (if using parmesan this will make the crust crispier), and seasonings (I like to add salt pepper, dried basil, parsley flakes, garlic powder, and a little red pepper flakes). Mix until fully incorporated.

Take the mixture and spread it on a lined and greased baking sheet. Place in the over for about 35-40 minutes or until the crust appears golden brown.

Remove the crust from the oven and add the sauce, cheese and toppings if using any.
Place back into to oven for about 5 minutes or until cheese becomes bubbly and lightly golden.

Enjoy your less guilty pizza treat!

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